Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What Tomorrow Beholds

How many of you had a day today that you just wanted to scream at? How many of you could have a slugged a select few without looking back? How many of you behaved "appropriately" to the situation because you knew that anything other than would have left you worse off?
It seems that there are always logical ways to process the "proper" actions and reactions to choose for any given situation. The reality is that in the heat of the moment, there is very little thinking going on. A confrontation by a colleague or employer, the traffic jerk that cut you off, your child/dog that demands one more thing as you're walking out the door, the assignment that the computer ate...the list can go on, as I'm sure you know.
Each situation we face accumulates to complete our day. So as we reflect upon whether our day was good or bad, where does your focus lie? If you're like most folks, it's probably on the negative. It's what is natural for our society to focus on, unfortunately. But was it really all that bad, and what good does it to focus on all the wrongs that occurred?
As I sit reflecting on my day, week, past month, I have to truly challenge myself to weigh the positives of my life against the negatives, in order to find a good reason to get out of bed tomorrow and begin again.
The bottom line for me is simply this: Why not?
What do I have to lose? Is there something that is waiting for me that I truly cannot handle? Do I have such little faith in myself? Or maybe what's lacking is my faith in others to be caring or helpful as I search through my day?
What is your motivation every day? Family responsibilities? Work obligations? Personal goals?
I guess a better question would be: What do you want your Motivation to be?

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