Saturday, April 6, 2019

My 2 year evolution...

The phrase "Time flies when you're having fun" is not always true, but time IS always interesting...
My last post was back in 2017 and the intermittent posts since the beginning have indicated 2 things 
1) I am very busy
2) I forget that I have a blog...
Neither of which are excuses, but facts, as I unravel the past 2 years for you in this brief summary:
I have moved more than several times in the past 10 years with always something else happening forcing us to move again. Finally, I couldn't afford the drastic economic increase in rent prices and I feared being homeless or broke. By the grace of God and all that's good in the world, was able to buy a house at the end of December 2017. With ALL odds against me since having a foreclosure on my credit less than a year old, I feel so blessed!
Randomly, my youngest son wanted freshly hatched chicks from school since now we had a yard. We built the coop together (definitely a 5 month adventure) and now have a healthy flock laying 7 eggs a day! (Eggs anyone??) As well as, fruit trees, vegetable and herb gardens, compost bins and various projects outside. If you would have told me 3 years ago that all this would have been in my future, I would have thought you were crazy!!! Needless to say, I am very proud of my little cottage/farm :)
My eldest son moved in with me last summer after not living under the same roof for 6 years (Can you say 'culture shock'?) and graduated in December from college. He has since moved out and plans on returning to college to continue his education. He's excited to be living on his own boat soon. Great opportunity in Florida. Go Boy, Go!
My youngest son is graduating high school next month as a junior in college with all his dual enrollment classes taken over the past 3 years. Phew! What an achievement! He's done well. He plans on completing his AA and finding a solid program to study horticulture internationally as an intern, then returning to finish his Bachelor's degree. This kid is movin' & groovin'!
Myself? I am the proud owner of Finding Your Inner Compass ~ Life Coaching for Women. I am on the up and coming of this mountainous journey as I build my business up, up, up! I am hosting a ribbon cutting this month and a Women's Revival next month. I am connecting with lots of people to join efforts for events and referrals. I feel very supported and encouraged. 
My education and experience background in counseling and mental health services give me an advantage of other life coaches that may be limited in their knowledge and understanding of the person as a whole. As well, I am a student with the Tony Robbins-Madanes Life Coaching program for Strategic Interventions. I will soon be hosting more events locally, nationally and internationally as I continue to expand and collaborate with other like-minded professionals. 
I completed yoga training last summer and became certified in January. I am starting to teach classes and feel really good about the path that both of these ventures are taking me!
Most importantly, I am grateful for all the different ways I am able to connect with others in order to help them. 

Don't get me's been a hefty uphill battle. Within these past 2 years, I have felt confused, hurt, abandoned, afraid, doubtful, alone, financially suffocated, stuck, betrayed, and without, among many other feelings. I have had to face the truth on things that were right in front of my face, as well as the things that were hard to see until I got out of my own way. I've dealt with some medical issues that interfered with my professional growth and have such  relief and gratitude that things are going well now!!! Through this, I've learned to put myself & my health 1st by 'making' time to do what is needed to take care of me. It's tough, but so very worth it in the end. 
As a single mom, I constantly feel 'not enough' with so much going on in so many different directions & my kids going through different stages that I feel I can't keep up with. With all that, I have a difficult time nurturing the friendships and relationships in my life the way that I'd like. I feel like sometimes I am letting people down or not following through. That's a hard thing to admit, but I feel that is sometimes true for most of us. 
The revelations that we discover about ourselves are very important milestones that help us to become more in tune with our authentic selves. Like stepping stones, it clarifies our path and gives us better direction. And with all that we have to encounter in life, we could use all the help we can get!! 
My 2 year evolution has definitely been an adventure! It has included the good, the bad, and the in between. It has helped me grow, develop, re-identify, re-create and re-design my self and my new reality. I had to take the time and make the time to find myself again. Although it is now refreshing and rejuvenating, it was work. Hard work. Something that I faced, mostly alone. I have my friends and family, but the change that needed to happen came from within me. 
You can always change the situation, environment, people...but the common denominator is YOU. For true change to happen in your life, you have to be willing to make the appropriate changes to habits, tendencies, thought patterns, behaviors, and let go of or address the feelings that are holding you back or keeping you stuck. It's not easy, but totally possible!! 
That is what life coaching is and that is why I am now reaching out to help others who feel this same way. Life coaching gives you the tools to make change happen- at least make it happen a little easier. 
So this is the 'short' summary of my 2 year evolution that is much longer than I thought it'd be, but so glad that all this has happened! Until next time...Keep Evolving!
Just hanging out with "the Girls"
The start to our garden!
Life Coaching for Women
Guest Speaker at Brevard Women's March 2018

Brevard Women's March 2018
Our pallet chicken coop as we progressed