Saturday, March 4, 2017

Being a mom is tough. Being a mother is inevitable, but only the good moms will tell you that it's fiction because as good moms we mess up daily. It's a struggle to know if what you're doing or saying is right, or how it's going to effect them later in life.  I have messed up a lot. I have felt like a failure & cried tears of regret for not doing better, providing more, working harder, losing my patience, putting my feelings, wants, needs above theirs in the midst of my busyness, forgetting things, overscheduling, being late- a lot, not being able to provide them more, etc. Wasted tears. Tears of pity for myself. My boys love me for me. They know how hard I work & they respect me for making things happen & not giving up. They appreciate all that I Can do for them. They don't dwell on what they missed out on, what I deprived them of, what they never had or experienced. That's me being hard on myself. Sometimes we create issues for ourselves by blocking reality with our own fears & feelings. In those times, we have to stop making things about us, & Give it to God. Trust Him & His plan, His Will & His Way for you & your family!
My boys are almost all grown. They are Amazing young men, each in their own ways! I am so excited of all the wonderful things they are going to do, experience, discover, and overcome to achieve their own goals & successes :) But not because of what I didn't do, but because of what I was able to do & what I kept doing! Don't be discouraged of one setback, pick yourself back up & keep going!! Love, patience, kindness, caring, understanding & helping is all our children ever really need to succeed!