Sunday, May 31, 2015

Making Headway...

Having a blog is an upkeep that I haven't done well with so far...I always have so much to say, but seem to turn more to the verbal expression of myself these days than the written. I have written about 20 journals/diaries in my life, among the countless poems, stories, letters, notes, inspirational messages, emails, texts, and social media messages! I have never had a problem expressing myself.
I write this at midnight on no particular occasion to touch base (after another 2 years) and update my status, with high hopes at continuing this pursuit of expression. 

I am ending a wonderful school year as a guidance counselor-a career I thought I had hung my hat up on due to the political drama I had faced in my last position. I have ventured into and out of the pursuit of my doctorate degree, the private adoption field, the mental health counselor for a private agency and a small dabble in dry cleaning. An odd combination, I know, but my path nevertheless. I am back into the schools as a guidance counselor and continuing this venue for another year. I also have stepped back into non-profit to continue acquiring my Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) internship hours-only 1100 left of the 1500 I need :)

I begin this Summer 2015 with many goals: learning to write children's books, take various online classes for animal psychology certification, veterinarian support assistant certification, Vizual coaching academy courses and continuing religious education seminars for the Diocese of Orlando. I would also like to learn to play the keyboard and the guitar, finish my painting and continue painting, increase my physical fitness, travel to Ohio & possibly Niagara Falls with my mom & son, and do some household organizing. Sound pretty ambitious? I think so too. I set my goals high so I know how hard of an incline I have to climb and I can get started in the right mind frame for success!!

I have met a lot of different people over the past two years and have learned and grown a lot, both personally and professionally. My biggest lesson has been Boundaries! I am a giving person and willing to work hard for anyone, but that combination set me up for people using me, taking me for granted and bullying me into situations that I couldn't deny or even redeem myself. This pattern has set me up for losing respect from others, threatening my employment on several occasions and most importantly, hurting me from the betrayal and shame. It's a hard lesson and not one I would bestow on anyone. Ultimately, I persevered & came out on the other side, stronger and wiser! I am satisfied with where I am and know there was a purpose for those trials in order for the lesson to be achieved. I thank God everyday for being patient with me and helping guide me in the way that I need so I can continue to succeed, for me, for my family and for God!